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Updated: is art a waste of time?

When re-reading that article in class today, I was able to get a more in-depth perspective on how myself and others viewed the article. Many of my opinions about the article remained the same, but the way that I looked at the topic changed a little. I was able to understand whos opinions in the article corresponded to each side of the argument. Today I learned even more about the EA and how they believed people should live, even though what they believe is very contradictive. For instance, they believe that people should be healthy and HAPPY, but then they also believe that people should work the jobs that will make the most money even if they don’t enjoy what they are doing for work. They are money driven and believe that money is the solution to everything which is not true. I also deciphered what Southan thought asĀ  he talked about how he as an artist knows that he and others like him are not doing everything that they can to stop poverty and help others, but they make art because they enjoy it and I thought that even though he knows what he should be doing, he chooses to do what makes him happy and not everyone does things to make themselves happy so I thought he standing up and voicing his opinion was strong.

Class Word: Crass – means something that is crude or insensitive

1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    I love that with each read you feel that you have gone deeper. Keep going! I want to challenge you to consider why the EA’s come off as “money driven.” Why do you think they ask for money?

    Keep up the good work! 3/3

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