Throughout the semester I have learned many new techniques when it comes to writing. Prior to taking this class I wasn’t given the proper tools to edit my papers with. They would always just go tell us to revise and to make a second draft before handing in our final copy.  This class has given me many tools that will definitely help me when it comes to writing papers in the future. My favorite  active reading strategie is that I like to mark up my errors as I go and make comments to myself. My favorite Brainstorming strategies is that I like to find quotes and organize then by my sources, then create my claim sentences. My favorite drafting strategy is creating an outline of what I plan to talk about and structure each paragraph. My favorite revision strategy is to print numerous copies with different types of revisions like one could have surface errors, and another could have stuff to work on about my claim sentences. My favorite polishing strategy would have to be that I like to read my essays out loud to make sure everything sounds good and the structure flows in a good order. I think that these strategies that I have developed will help me as I progress in my education and improve my writing skills immensely.