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Blog #6

From my peer review my main goal is to voice the EA more throughout my essay. I realized I may have been a little bias when it comes to defending with the EA had to say and I tended to focus a bit more on the impact that Titus was making in the art world because he was supporting the fat that art was important and used to help people understand history and make a difference. Another goal I have for myself is to carry out my opinions a little more especially in the second to last paragraph where I mainly talked about my feelings of Titus.

In order for me to achieve my goals I will need to sit down and create a list of my opinions and write down my views of Southan vs my views of Titus and go back into the text and make sure that I add more of the missing Southan views.

I think my biggest challenge is they didn’t give me too much t go off of in the perspective of changing things. They all believed that my essay was really well written and my structure and word choice was goo. So I think trying to find thing to change is going to be kind o difficult because I wrote it and its always hard to tear apart your own writing.

I think that I am going to do my best to try and solve this problem, but if that doesn’t work out I am hoping that the draft that is being edited by the teacher will give me something to work with and hopefully make my writing better. Also if I have to I can always have other friends look over my essay and give me their advice or even have my tutor look over the new draft on Monday when I see her.

1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    Fantastic. I love your idea of listing your opinions. Lists can prove an amazing tool for organizing thought. Nice work, Alysa, and continue to take advantage of every resource you have. 3/3

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